//JS代码合并 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'merge_all_scripts', 9999 ); function merge_all_scripts() { global $wp_scripts; /* #1. Reorder the handles based on its dependency, The result will be saved in the to_do property ($wp_scripts->to_do) */ $wp_scripts->all_deps($wp_scripts->queue); $merged_file_location = get_stylesheet_directory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'merged-script.js'; $merged_script = ''; // Loop javascript files and save to $merged_script variable foreach( $wp_scripts->to_do as $handle) { /* Clean up url */ $src = strtok($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src, '?'); /** #2. Combine javascript file. */ // If src is url http / https if (strpos($src, 'http') !== false) { // Get our site url $site_url = site_url(); /* If we are on local server, then change url to relative path */ if (strpos($src, $site_url) !== false) $js_file_path = str_replace($site_url, '', $src); else $js_file_path = $src; /* To be able to use file_get_contents function we need to remove slash */ $js_file_path = ltrim($js_file_path, '/'); } else { $js_file_path = ltrim($src, '/'); } // Check wether file exists then merge if (file_exists($js_file_path)) { // #3. Check for wp_localize_script $localize = ''; if (@key_exists('data', $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra)) { $localize = $obj->extra['data'] . ';'; } $merged_script .= $localize . file_get_contents($js_file_path) . ';'; } } // write the merged script into current theme directory file_put_contents ( $merged_file_location , $merged_script); // #4. Load the URL of merged file wp_enqueue_script('merged-script', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/merged-script.js'); // 5. Deregister handles foreach( $wp_scripts->to_do as $handle ) { wp_deregister_script($handle); } }